Networking 101

Networking is essential to getting your business’ name out there. There are many FREE events that are hosted by people who were once in the same position as you. Networking with your peers at a networking event will give you connections that you may never find out on your own and it will also put you in a comfortable environment with people just like you making them easier to approach and talk to. Finding these events are super easy, sites like EventBrite allow you to search and register for events depending on your location. In my experience, networking events have been held in very laid back atmospheres, drinks & hors d'oeuvres were being served and everyone is open and just want to get to know about you and your business.

Many people are afraid to go out and network because they “fear the pitch”, simply stated, they fear going out there, mingling and pitching their business because they think they will be rejected. Truth is, we all get rejected at least once in our lives, its apart of becoming an entrepreneur.

So grab your cards and get your pitch ready, because you have a great business or business idea and there are people who want to hear about it! You never know, you may even make lifelong business connects!

OH! Did I forget to mention that Novateur Brand Architecture will be hosting networking events soon? Keep up with NBA Branding by following us on Facebook and Twitter


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